
The Education Journal of the
Woodruff Health Sciences Center

The Education Journal of the
Woodruff Health Sciences Center

Letter from the Editors

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to Intersections: The Education Journal of the Woodruff Health Sciences Center, your home for scholarship around health professions education at Emory. We hope it will become the go-to resource for our community to hone their writing and reviewing skills, disseminate all forms of scholarship around health sciences education, and make visible the often-invisible work of educating the next generation of health care and public health professionals.

Intersections is meant to function as a living laboratory for the entire WHSC community. We welcome submissions from any Emory educator in a health-related field, whether you have published in education in the past or not. Together, we will learn how a scholarly approach to our education work and its dissemination among our peers can elevate our individual expertise as well as the overall quality of education across our community.

We are especially grateful that the Woodruff Health Sciences Center shares our goal of increasing recognition and support for educational scholarship in the health sciences and has chosen to support the journal. Our interprofessional Advisory Board has provided insight from across all of Emory’s health-related units to make Intersections truly a journal for us all. And the leadership of the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship has been invaluable in helping us bring Intersections to life.

We invite you to engage with us on this journey by reading your peers’ published work, reaching out to authors with whom you would like to collaborate, submitting your own work for review and publication, or asking for advice on how to structure a submission. Improving the support for learners in the health professions, and ultimately the health care of our patients and communities, is a team sport and we are excited to welcome you all to our team!

Please engage with us on social media at:


