Note: Intersections will stop accepting new submissions on March 14, 2025 as we restructure. Please check back for updates.
Thank you for your interest in Intersections: The Education Journal of the Woodruff Health Sciences Center. Prior to submitting a piece, please review these instructions to ensure that your work is complete and ready for peer review.
Please direct any questions to Jonelle Shields McKenzie, Editorial Coordinator, at In addition, if you have any ideas about potential submissions and would like feedback on their suitability for the journal or input on how to proceed, please email Ms. Taylor or reach out to any of our editorial staff, listed on the People page.
We welcome work from any member of the Woodruff Health Sciences Center community, including faculty, staff, health sciences students, other trainees, and educators from Emory Healthcare and its affiliated hospitals and clinical sites. We also accept submissions from other educators in the Emory community who teach about health or healthcare. We encourage collaboration; therefore, not every author on a submission must be based at Emory. At a minimum, the corresponding author should be a member of the Emory community.
Author Fees
There are no fees for submitting or publishing work in Intersections.
Instructions for Submission
Electronic files should be submitted via the online submission form, available at Intersections Submission Form.
Please remember that Intersections is aimed at an interprofessional audience, so all submissions should be written in language that can be understood by all health professions educators.
The submitted set of files must include the documents outlined in our Instructions for Authors and be compliant with our style guide.
Original research articles should be based on rigorously designed and analyzed pedagogical studies. Each manuscript in this category should include an Introduction summarizing the current state of knowledge on the topic and details of the research question/topic examined, a detailed Methodology section identifying the samples, data collection methods, statistical methods for quantitative analyses, validation methods for qualitative studies, and measures and their validity and reliability properties. A section describing the Results should be included, followed by a Discussion section about the implications for teaching and learning. Limitations of the research should be discussed. Conclusions should be clearly supported by the findings. Tables should clearly identify the type of statistic reported and statistical methods used. Systematic reviews may also be included in the Research Article section and should employ and report methods standard for such analyses. Please note that descriptions of new approaches that have not been evaluated thoroughly should be submitted as Education Innovation Reports.
Specific guidelines for Research Articles:
- Manuscript body word count: < 5,000 words
- Abstract word count: < 250 words
- Boxes/Tables/Figures: < 5
Required sections, Research Articles:
- Structured Abstract that includes Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusions
- Brief Take-Home Point (see description above in General Instructions)
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusions
The trainee extended abstract format provides pre- and post-graduate trainees with an opportunity to share the teaching tools and techniques they have developed or used in their teaching. The outcomes presented may include impact on student engagement or learning. Quantitative or qualitative evaluations are acceptable. Authors should clearly specify gaps in knowledge for the topic addressed, provide a brief review of previous work on the topic of interest, a brief description of the methodology used to evaluate the technique or tool, and results obtained. Conclusions may include the barriers encountered, helpful hints or words of warning, future plans, or other potential applications of the method.
Specific guidelines for Extended Abstracts:
- Manuscript body word count: 1500 words
- Boxes/Tables/Figures: < 2
- References: <15
Required sections, Extended Abstracts:
- Brief Take-Home Point
- Introduction
- Methods
- Combined results and discussion
- Conclusions
Education Innovation Reports
Education Innovation Reports describe a new approach or strategy (new curriculum, assessment, teaching method, or successful best practice) in education that has been implemented and assessed, but the strategy does not have to be evaluated thoroughly. Reports should define the time period(s), setting(s), and participating population(s) involved in developing and implementing the innovation. They should describe in detail the implementation of the innovation and any criteria intended to assess the innovation’s success, Reports should critically examine innovation outcomes, including whether/how it met stated goals and the implications of the outcomes in the context of the larger challenge used to frame your work. Finally, reports must include suggested next steps for addressing this challenge on a larger scale.
Specific guidelines for Education Innovation Reports:
- Manuscript body word count: < 2,000 words
- Abstract word count: < 250 words
- Boxes/Tables/Figures: < 3
Required sections, Education Innovation Reports:
- Structured Abstract that includes Introduction, Description of Innovation, Results, and Conclusions
- Brief Take-Home Point
- Introduction
- Description of Innovation
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusions
Origin stories describe an innovative approach and/or strategy in health sciences education which has been, or is being, implemented but is not yet evaluated. These manuscripts answer ‘behind the scenes’ questions –what motivated the innovation, how did the planning process happen, what were the challenges and successes in implementation– as well as address the potential appeal of the innovation to other settings or disciplines. A review of the current literature that supports the importance of the project should be included. Projects with great vision and goals but less success can also be submitted for consideration, with the focus being ‘lessons learned’ and thoughts on how the experience informs a change in strategy and/or why the approach should be avoided in other specialties or disciplines. These pieces do not include nor require data.
Specific guidelines for Origin Stories:
- Manuscript Body Length: <2500 words
- Abstract: <250 words; Boxes/Tables/Figures: < 2
The piece should include a Brief Take-Home Point and the body of the manuscript should not be separated into sections but should be in the form of an essay. Please consider the following questions and address them where applicable:
- The problem to address – how do the authors know there is a problem? How has that problem manifest in the authors’ setting(s)? What has been done, if anything, to address that problem in the authors’ setting or by others?
- How did the authors decide how to address the problem? What other ideas did they have? Who else was involved in identifying this approach? What facilitators and barriers were identified?
- How did the authors set up the implementation of their approach? What was easy? What was hard? Were there any collaborators?
- How did implementation go or how is it going? What has worked? What have been the biggest challenges? What would the authors recommend that others do differently if they want to implement a similar innovation?
- How will the authors know if their innovation has been successful? What outcomes will be measured? What are some likely next steps?
Perspectives pieces provide the author’s opinion or experience on a topic pertinent to health sciences education. These may be topic reviews that incorporate the author’s expert opinion and insights, discussions of ethical dilemmas or ways to overcome teaching barriers, personal perspectives on teaching and learning in the health sciences or calls to action.
Specific guidelines for Perspectives:
- Manuscript Body Length: <1500 words
- No abstract or other sections required
- The piece should begin with a Brief Take-Home Point
These are less formal pieces with a style that speaks directly to readers. We invite three kinds of writing at this time- 1) How-to, 2) Interview, and 3) In the News. All should be rooted in health sciences education.
‘How to’ – The author briefly describes how to set up or implement an innovative educational strategy or project.
‘Interview’ – The author conducts an interview with an established expert or a rising star in the field of health professions education. The author provides background information about the interviewee followed by an edited transcript of the interview, sometimes interspersed with additional information written by the author. Recordings of interviews can also be submitted if edited to 10 minutes or less.
‘In the News’ – The author will provide a link to a news article that is relevant or trending in health professions education and provide a brief commentary.
Specific guidelines for Short Takes:
- Manuscript Body Length: < 1000 words
- No abstract or other sections required
- The piece should begin with a Brief Take-Home Point
Education and the Arts is a section for creative works, such as published or original poems, photographs, excerpts from literature, videos, multimedia content, etc. that are accompanied by a brief commentary that clearly connects the work to health sciences education.
Specific guidelines for Education and the Arts:
- Commentary <250 words
- The piece should begin with a Brief Take-Home Point
- Submissions cannot receive final acceptance until permission is acquired to reprint/re-post non-original works.
- As noted above, figures, images, and videos must be in one of the following formats: .gif, .jpg, .xls, .xlsx, .png, .mp3, .mp4, .wav, .mov, or .wmv. They should be provided in high enough resolution that they can be thoroughly evaluated by a reviewer. Lettering and labeling should be large enough to allow reduction for page layout.