
The Education Journal of the
Woodruff Health Sciences Center

The Education Journal of the
Woodruff Health Sciences Center

Call for Papers: Climate Change & Health Professions Education

Intersections: The Education Journal of the Woodruff Health Sciences Center is soliciting submissions for a special collection focused on climate change and health professions education in order to share ideas and support connections between the faculty, students, and healthcare professionals who have incorporated this topic into their teaching in big and small ways.  Submissions related to education across levels of learners (from undergraduate to continuing education) on climate change or environmental justice and health or health equity are welcome.

Intersections is an online journal dedicated to disseminating the work of the broad range of health professions educators within the Health Sciences Center and Emory Healthcare system. We publish peer reviewed submissions in multiple formats and are committed to supporting our local community in their scholarly endeavors. To view previous publications and more submission details, please visit our homepage.

We hope you will consider a submission for this special collection. The Intersections team is excited about the learning occurring within the Emory community in this area and looks forward to elevating this work. The requested submission deadline is December 31, 2024; if you are interested but have concerns about meeting this deadline, or have any questions about this special collection, please feel free to contact us Submission guidelines are available here and the submission form can be accessed here.


Best Regards,

Jeannie Rodriguez, PhD, RN, APRN

Rebecca Philipsborn, MD, MPA

Noah Scovronick, PhD

Guest Editors